WHY NO ONE is Buying Your Products

Feeling lost in the sea of products and wondering why yours aren't catching the eyes of your dream customers? You're not alone. This episode is a beacon for those navigating the crowded marketplace, offering insights and strategies to not only stand out but shine. Learn how to connect with your ideal customers and turn your passion into a thriving business.

"I'm not profitable yet and running out of money! How can I move the needle fast?" | Coaching Session

Dive into the entrepreneurial journey with Karissa of Wag & Wonder, who's on a mission to turn her passion for timeless, high-end dog accessories into a booming business. Discover the crucial steps she's missed and how, with a bit of expert coaching, she can lay the foundation for success. Looking to make a mark in the product world and scale your business to new heights? This episode is for you!

This One Strategy Grew My Audience By 20,000 Followers in 2 Months

Social media can be a powerful, FREE way to market your product. In this episode I’m going to share exactly how to increase your followers, retain your ideal customers, and boost your sales.

“I’m starting a product business from scratch. What foundational steps do I need to know to avoid mistakes?” | Coaching Session

Mystral wants to launch a tea business with as few mistakes as possible. In this coaching session we start with ideation, then making the product, and then moving on to branding. 

The Magic Formula to Standing Out in a Crowded Market

The magic formula to create a successful product-based business is product positioning. If you are a product biz founder, tune in.

"I have so many ideas--what do I focus on first?" | Coaching Session

Calling all creatives! If you have tons of amazing ideas, but struggle with prioritizing and focusing, this is for you! We'll also be diving into ideal customers, and the math behind pricing, costs, and quantity.

This is Why You're Not Making Sales in Your Product Business

If you’re struggling to make sales, chances are you’ve skipped nailing one of the four foundational pieces of a product business: Niche, brand, price + offer, marketing.

“My business was on the backburner but I’m ready to dive back in. How do I get excited again?” | Coaching Session

Dawn of Fairy Tale Yarn Co wants to ramp her business back up after years of tackling difficult personal circumstances. We set an exciting revenue goal, break down the math, and make an actionable plan for her to reach her goals.