Staying Focused vs. Chasing Shiny Objects


Many entrepreneurs and creatives understand the struggle of staying focused and not chasing the shiny objects that can be so enticing. With the rise of platforms like Etsy, the mentality of creating all the things for all the people often leads to creators feeling overwhelmed and not seeing the success they are striving for.

Focus is Your Superpower

As creative business owners, we know you love to think outside the box and make things with your hands. You are visionaries of big, bright, and beautiful ideas. But those big ideas take focus to build into a sustainable business. That's why we created the Bestseller Secrets Challenge, to help entrepreneurs and creatives find and focus on their bestsellers. Staying focused will help you avoid the common pitfalls of chasing shiny objects and help you put more profit back in your pocket.

In the workshops, entrepreneurs are taught the true shiny objects that will help them create the profitable and beautiful business they want. Creativity is not sacrificed, rather entrepreneurs are taught how to use their superpower of creativity to lean into and understand what to do with their creative ideas.

Brought to you by the Shop 1 in 5™ Pledge! Commit to making 1 in 5 of your purchases from a small business, whether online or offline. The Shop 1 in 5™ Pledge is a way to make an impact together when (and where) it matters most. Join us and take the pledge today!


  • We want to help you get ready to make BIG MOVES in 2023, because we know you have MASSIVE goals for this year - and we have the tools to help you reach them!! This is why we are hosting our FREE workshop series, The Product Boss’ Guide to Your Best Year Yet. Be sure to sign up now to save your spot!
