Dive into Word of the Year 2023


You know what they say: New Year, new word! Well, maybe not, but that’s what we’re saying this year as we pick our word of the year for 2023!

What’s the Word?

Every year people tend to set New Year's Resolutions, resolving to improve themselves in some way. While those can have their place, we here at The Product Boss like to choose a word of the year instead. Not only does this free you up to work on self-improvement all year, but it helps to guide your actions year-round instead of giving you a finite goal that, let’s be honest, you’d probably drop by mid-January anyway.

We’re going to share what a word of the year is, our process for selecting our words, and some tips on choosing the right word for you and your year. Whatever word you choose, we know this is going to be your year, friend!

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  • Consistent content is key to getting more people to see and buy your products. If you want to create great content but you don’t know what to say, or you feel too busy, or you just don’t want to be the face of your brand, no worries – because we’ve got you covered with a year’s worth of consistent content that’s sure to resonate with your audience! If you want to see how easy this can be, visit A Year of Content.
