How Highlighting Overlooked Holidays Created a Thriving Business with Sarah Gulfraz of Peacock Supplies


For this Small Biz Founders episode, Masterminder Sarah Gulfraz comes to us all the way from across the pond—that’s England, FYI—where she runs Peacock Supplies as founder. Peacock Supplies offers party and gift supplies specializing in multicultural and multi faith celebrations. They sell both to stock international retailers, independent stockers around the world and direct to consumer.

Sarah Gulfraz of Peacock Supplies

It’s pretty common to see Christmas, Easter, and many of the predominant faith-based holidays represented and celebrated throughout the world, but for anyone who falls outside of that religion, they may not see their holidays represented at all—at least not with the same amount of energy and excitement.

We talk about:

  • Sarah’s entrepreneurial influences,

  • how her early work experiences shaped her for business, and

  • where she gets her drive to always be innovating.

Many of the best business ideas come from meeting a need that you have. Sarah wanted to address a problem she noticed when trying to get her kids as invested in her personal holidays as they were with the mainstream ones, and now she provides that to people around the world.


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