Making Big Business Shifts & Beating the Odds with Danielle Beauregard of Fusion by Design Collars


Danielle Beauregard is the CEO and founder of Fusion by Design Collars which sells, as she jokingly calls it, “bougie collars for dogs.” They craft high-end leather collars and leashes, much of them custom-made, and embellish them with Austrian crystals, leather carvings, and paint.

Danielle Beauregard of Fusion by Design Collars

She started her business purely by accident. After leaving her comfy corporate IT job to start a business in dog training, she began using her longtime hobby of leathercrafting to make collars for her dogs, and that quickly spread by word of mouth as she fulfilled individual orders until The Virus That Shall Not Be Named hit and service-based industries dried up. She quickly had to pivot into focusing on those dog collars and leveraging her existing network to make that her full-time job.

You’re going to hear Danielle give us the honest details about:

  • How to pivot when life circumstances unexpectedly change,

  • why you shouldn’t do everything in your business even when you can do everything, and

  • being open to new business models as your business grows.

In just over two years, Danielle has turned something she did on the side into over a quarter million dollars in revenue. She got there through acting fast, using the skills she already had, and hiring—even when she felt like she could do everything herself. And now, with the help of masterminders, she’s going to take her business to the next level.

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