Finding Your Brand Voice with Claire Doody of Copper Union

Claire Doody joins us for another Small Biz Founders episode – and it’s a very special edition, too. Claire is the founder of Copper Union Apparel, making beautiful clothing for radical fat bodies (sizes 12-38). Where, before, options for plus-sized clothing were limited, Copper Union is making unique and individual pieces available for different occasions, and in colors and designs that completely break the traditional plus-sized mold. Claire has created a bold, vibrant line that aligns with herself and her customers.  

“Knowing When to Listen to Your Gut Is as Important as Knowing When to Listen to the Advice of Others.” - Claire Doody, Copper Union Apparel

At one point, she only designed what she perceived as trends and demand in the marketplace, but those designs didn’t sell. Then, she’d make an incredibly niche, personal piece, that reflected something she would wear, and that piece would fly off the shelves. This valuable experience is what taught her to follow her gut and trust that what’s true to her is what her customers want as well! 

Claire has faced many personal and professional challenges, including being diagnosed with cancer, along her journey. However, even after having to take significant time off work, Claire was amazed to come back and be able to continue building Copper Union, without having to start from scratch. One way that Claire did this was by not only using her brand voice to help build a loyal customer base, but also by staying true to herself and following her gut.

We discuss all of this and more in this episode, as well as everything from the shape of the industry to the benefits of a Mastermind. So what are you waiting for? Listen now.

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  • Copper Union’s website

  • Copper Union on Instagram

  • Product Biz Owners at $250k+ yearly revenue: Are you a product business owner that has built your business to a multi-6 figure to multi-million dollar business? If so, The Product Boss Mastermind has limited spots available open for consideration to applicants $250k and above, apply here.

  • Consistent content is key to getting more people to see and buy your products. If you want to create great content but you don’t know what to say, or you feel too busy, or you just don’t want to be the face of your brand, no worries – because we’ve got you covered with a year’s worth of consistent content that’s sure to resonate with your audience! If you want to see how easy this can be, visit A Year of Content.

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