Bosses & Breakfast: Mindset and Selling

Bosses & Breakfast: Mindset and Selling

Today, we invite you to embrace a new mindset around selling. This episode is a segment taken from our weekly “Bosses and Breakfast” live talk show, which we do every Wednesday at 11am (ET) on our Facebook and Instagram pages. 

We often get asked, ‘How do I sell without sounding sale-sy’. It’s time to shift your mindset and learn that selling is not a negative or bad thing. You started your product-based business to solve a problem and your customers are waiting for you to connect with them by telling and showing them. Tune in as we walk you through how you can talk about your product, show the value to your customers, and feel good about it.

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  • Check out Bosses & Breakfast every Wednesday at 11 am (ET)

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